Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pre-Race Tips

Hello All! I thought I would share some pre-race Do's and Don'ts I have found helpful as we head into the weekend of the races in California and Texas!

This week: you last run should be on Thursday. Don't overdue it this week! The goal is to arrive on race day with FRESH LEGS, ready to tackle the challenge. Don't try to go faster or longer this week. Just easy running.

East well. Get your carbs and calories in and then burn 'em off on Sunday. Give your body the best chance to feel the best come race day.

Friday night: get good sleep. This is 2 nights before race day. I don't know the logic behind it, I just know it works. Saturday you need rest too, but Friday night is most important.

Saturday: try no to do too much walking around. need your legs to be fresh as you can on Sunday. Again, eat well.

Saturday NIGHT: get your race stuff together; your clothes, BIB #, shoes, etc...have it all out. You would be surprised how frazzled you might be on race morning trying to get everything together.
Figure out your plan to get to race...i.e.. have all your logistics figured out night before, not in the morning.


SUNDAY: give yourself enough time to be awake, eat and get to race start. Don't eat anything differently. Don't wear NEW shoes. Basically, don't change any of your normal routines. You don't need to do anything differently. You are ready to meet your challenge.

Get to the starting line and HAVE FUN!! 5 days!! (i promise the race will be more fun and probably easier than all your training!!)

1 comment:

  1. Ang,
    This is GREAT!!!!! Thank you for taking time to share this info.
    Huge help!
