Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Runner # 904

The Half Moon Bay race is now over and it's time for the post-race wrap-up/report. I'll start from Friday. I picked Alec up at his place in SF and we made the short, pretty drive over to the coast. It had been a bit foggy in parts of SF, but once we got onto HWY 1, it was gone and beautiful blue skies greeted us. Temps maybe in mid 70's. We made our way over to the expo which i knew would be small, but was small. Due to the course, the race(s) only allowed a TOTAL of 500 runners for Sunday. Even though it was a small expo, it served our purpose of getting our race bags. I bought Alec and I a cool race hat. A cool Techie one. He had never seen one before and was glad to have it. Watch out for him on the roads in SF as he will now be sporting it instead of a bandana, he says. know me and my bandanas....

Next up was a jaunt about 3/4 of a mile away to our hotel. Beach House

A nice hotel right next to beach. We checked in, chilled out and soon went to dinner. We meet up with KIM and KELLY at PASTA MOON nearby. It was fun to see both of these ladies and we had a good meal, good conversation. It pained me to NOT have one of the tempting desserts, but I was determined to make it one more day of no sweets!

Alec and I went back to hotel to be greeted by Holly, our old roomie and 3rd roomie for this weekend. The 3 of us lived together in SF about 20 years ago, so it was fun to be together again. Our same old ways were still there; them teasing me, Holly making us all laugh, Alec giving us his looks, and just enjoying hanging out together.

We went to bed on the early side, but i don't think any of us got more than 4 hours of sleep. There was some kind of party happening in rooms above and beside ours. It was um...not too much of a party atmosphere for us who were trying to sleep before race. I was worried about Alec because I knew he had not been sleeping much at all lately. I took some comfort from the steady, meditative sound of the foghorn in the distance and the faint sounds of the waves of the Pacific.

Race Morning: 5:30 wake up call! We were all feeling it after not much sleep, but our spirits were still good. Well...mine & Holly's were...I think Alec needed a bit of his PEETS before perking up. Yes, we did go to Peets at 5:30am in HMB. I was sooo grateful as I knew the hotel coffee would not suffice! We drank, ate, got ready for race and headed to the starting line. My race began at 7:30. Holly was gonna walk as much as she could of the HALF-MARATHON as she was still nursing an injury. Alec was to run the 10k which started shortly after 7:30am. Delaney would also be there to walk/run the 10k. Kristine was gonna run the 5k and although I was doubtful I would see her, I was cheering her on!! So thrilled for everyone to be there and challenging themselves.

Temps were very good for running. Mid 60's. perfect. It was pretty damn great to be at the start line with 2 of my oldest, dearest friends.

What was my goal? To finish and have a good race. I suppose that is 2 goals...I wanted both to happen. I was uncertain of my body given how I had been feeling this past month, but of course I wanted to finish. I also just wanted to have a good experience, and I know that was entirely in my control because that just breaks down into attitude and perspective. The course was an out and back course along coast, basically. The path was elevated above the beach, so we did not actually run beside the beach, but up above. Amazing views of the Pacific Ocean the entire time. The first 2 miles I was just basically feeling out my body...just trying to find my own pace and rhythm. I had my iPOD on to my new favorite songs; Instrumental version of "Empire State of Mind" by Katy Perry & Alicia Keys version of same song "Empire State of Mind". If you have not heard either of these, i highly recommend. Listened to both of these songs a few times each...and in my mind and heart, I felt strong, convicted, determined. my body was holding up fair. Even so, I was glad I decided to not run the FULL MARATHON. As we got to about mile 5, the course turned into a very hard packed dirt trail up until the turnaround point and of course back to about the 8 mile marker. This was my least favorite part of course. I don't mind trails, just don't like the hard packed dirt. I guess I need it to be a little muddy. I was glad to turn around and make the return back to the finish. I knew i was gonna finish. I had been taking a few CLIF BLOKS which were provided by the race peeps. I was grateful because for some reason, I did not bring any gels, gu's or anything with me.

Overall, the race felt ok. I wish I had felt stronger, faster....but today was just not that day as I knew it would not be. I had made peace with it. I still went out and gave my best effort on race day. Finish time was 2:11:51 and I am ok with that.

If you know me, then you probably know I have ALL my race bibs saved from over the years. Here's another one for the BIB BANK. You might wonder why it doesn't have my BIB #. Well, when I changed races from FULL to HALF, i had to get a new BIB # and it was not pre-printed, but I was officially runner number 904.

I was greeted at the finish line by SCOTT JUREK who was at race/expo as a guest speaker. He greeted all the runners as they finished and put the medal around our neck. I also listened to him at the expo and had spoke to him before the race started. A classy, cool, inspiring ultrarunner! I have followed his career for a long time and he's actually one of the people who inspired me to even think of running longer distances!

I found Alec, Holly and Delaney at the finish line and we all caught up briefly on our respective races. I was so happy and proud of them all. Truly delighted. Sadly, we missed Kristine, but sounds like she had a good experience too!! My only regret is that I could not see everyone's face at their own finish line!

After Race Pics:

I will leave you now with a quote from the one and only, George Sheehan: I run so I do not lose the me i was yesterday and the me i might be tomorrow.

Keep Movin'

Sunday, September 25, 2011

From Kris......

just got home - walked right to the computer to report in. What a trip! i got there a little later than i wanted so i didn't have much time to check things out. there was a little confusion with my bib number (is that what it's called?). I had moved from the 10k to the 5k at the expo on friday. but a volunteer this morning told me that i still had the 10k bib. so there was a little craziness around that - turns out they had me registered in both the 5k and 10k. as of now, i'm still not sure that they really figured it all out. lol at any rate, i got a new number and was on my way. my only other "race" experience had been Bay to Breakers and the Avon two-day walk (neither are really "races" but they are the only comparison I could make). HMB WAS WAAAAY DIFFERENT. the other events i had participated in were very communal - lots of interaction with other participants. before today, i hadn't really thought about how running in a "race" would be different. it's so individual - this seems obvious but i hadn't really thought about it. i didn't bring my ipod today so perhaps this feeling was really pronounced - it was just me. and i liked it.

i overheard a woman expressing her disappointment in the weather. i thought it was perfect. of all things to forget, i forgot a rubberband for my hair. so i was VERY happy that it wasn't hot. the only downside of the ocean moisture was the effect on my shoes. these shoes had only seen treadmill time so they still looked brand new. the moisture and dirt took a toll on my white nikes - they actually look like someone has worn them now. lol

hope everyone had a great day! wish i could've seen everyone but my schedule was super hectic this weekend. i'm off to work now but will check in later to see if anyone else has thoughts on the day.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pre-Race Tips

Hello All! I thought I would share some pre-race Do's and Don'ts I have found helpful as we head into the weekend of the races in California and Texas!

This week: you last run should be on Thursday. Don't overdue it this week! The goal is to arrive on race day with FRESH LEGS, ready to tackle the challenge. Don't try to go faster or longer this week. Just easy running.

East well. Get your carbs and calories in and then burn 'em off on Sunday. Give your body the best chance to feel the best come race day.

Friday night: get good sleep. This is 2 nights before race day. I don't know the logic behind it, I just know it works. Saturday you need rest too, but Friday night is most important.

Saturday: try no to do too much walking around. need your legs to be fresh as you can on Sunday. Again, eat well.

Saturday NIGHT: get your race stuff together; your clothes, BIB #, shoes, etc...have it all out. You would be surprised how frazzled you might be on race morning trying to get everything together.
Figure out your plan to get to race...i.e.. have all your logistics figured out night before, not in the morning.


SUNDAY: give yourself enough time to be awake, eat and get to race start. Don't eat anything differently. Don't wear NEW shoes. Basically, don't change any of your normal routines. You don't need to do anything differently. You are ready to meet your challenge.

Get to the starting line and HAVE FUN!! 5 days!! (i promise the race will be more fun and probably easier than all your training!!)