Thursday, August 25, 2011

inter challenge challenge

So, as often is the case, I am back on another one of my "no sweets, no alcohol" kicks. Today marks DAY #9. Why did I do this?

1) I found I had been eating too much junk food recently; candy, cookies, & chips mostly. It's easy for me to rationalize eating this stuff since I am training, but while eating these things in the moment is sure tasty, it just doesn't feel too good afterwards.

2) Though I don't drink much, I feel better when I don't. Again, it's pretty easy to rationalize this during training, but bottom line, I feel better when I consume little to no alcohol. Even if I have 2-3 drinks a week, I can feel such a big difference.

3) I also just kinda get a kick out of challenging myself(big surprise, huh?). I make it into a game. I test myself. Even last night was a good test. I went out to one of my favorite places called Taqueria Del Sol. I will typically order a Margarita when I eat there so NOT ordering one was a challenge. I'm happy to report I did not "cave in".

The good thing about training is that many times after a workout, i will want nothing to do with sweets or alcohol just because my body feels so good from working out. My system will automatically crave something else.

So, with 9 days nearly complete and under my belt, I am feeling pretty good: my body feels "lighter" and definitely cleaner. As usual, the most difficult part is the first few days. By now, its becoming easier. My goal is to make it to race day. After race day, I will indulge...especially in a big fat gooey chocolate chip cookie. Good thing there are a few places in SF to fulfull this requirement: SPECIALTY'S BAKERY, anyone??

1 comment:

  1. Is that the place we ate at in SF? SOO good. Oh and good luck with the challenge. I'm off to bake some brownies :)
