Sunday, August 21, 2011

sunday scramble

Hey Peeps --
So, here were are just 5 weeks away from the races at Half Moon Bay. I'm getting excited and hope you are too. This cycle of training has been far from easy and today, I felt like I got a mini-monkey off my back. What was the mini-monkey? Getting a long run done. This morning, I ran 15 miles at the Silver Comet Trail. Not only was this my longest training run so far for this upcoming marathon, this was my longest run for all of 2011. I am both relieved and happy to have gotten these miles done. Even better, was that I didn't suffer too much. When i was done, I felt like I had more in my tank, so that gives me more confidence for next weekend's long run. I am still "behind" in my schedule. For example, today's run on the plan i follow was 20 miles. I'm just not there yet, but will be hopefully soon.

The Silver Comet Trail is about 30 minutes by car from my house. It is a flat paved trail and at this time of year, it is almost 100% covered with a ton of trees. For this blanket protecting me and others from the sun/heat, I am most grateful. I arrived right before 7am, just as the sun was about to make it's presence known for the day. I was surprised to see so many other vehicles already in the parking lot. But, I loved seeing it too....people out being active, pursuing there dreams and goals or simply taking some morning time for a quiet walk.

From my first steps, I knew I would have a good run. I can usually tell right away. It was so wonderfully quiet out there. I purposely didn't start my iPod for a while just so i could soak in the atmosphere, the heavenly quiet.

I know the trail like the back of my hand, having been running on it now for about 10 years. It feels like such a good friend. It feels a little bit like home. The first few songs I played on the iPod were 3 from the "musical" episode of Grey's Anatomy last season; "Chasing Cars, How to Save a Life & The Story" -- I LOVE all these songs, find them so powerful and moving. "Chasing Cars" was the first one to come on. As the words were playing in my ears, I nearly started to cry. I was just the moment, by the beauty surrounding me, by my own level of awareness of appreciation and gratitude for my body that was once so broken; for gratitude that I felt good at the start after weeks of very tough miles.

Well, I didn't cry. I ran. I ran out to 7.5 miles, turned around and headed back. 15 total. I also walked 1 more mile as I think this helps with overall recovery.

A few more weeks of heavy mileage and then will be time to taper. Looking forward to all of it.

Keep Movin'!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a run! So glad you kicked that monkey to the curb!
