Thursday, July 7, 2011

ALEC: Another day of rest...well, kind of

So, I continue to not run (and be envious of those that are) until my leg heals. I believe it's getting better as the muscles didn't quiver at all yesterday as I limped around. I have tried, for the past two days, to stay off my my right leg as much as possible and have been icing it four to five times a day. It seems to be working. But I hate not being active, especially since I'm not working and don't have much to do. Today, I will hobble myself down to the gym to at least work out the upper part of my body. I was thinking that I might try one of the elliptical machines to keep my legs somewhat active, but then heard LW say in my head "don't push it". So, I will not being doing any leg work today. Hopefully by this coming Monday, I will be able to do at least a 35 minute run. Here's to all of you that are pushing and challenging yourselves. Run on, my friends. Run on!!!!


  1. Hoping it heals soon!! I know how injuries can be frustrating. The elliptical machine did help me as long as u take it super easy. I wish your LW would tell me not to push it. She usually says get your ass going... lol

  2. don't push it! i know it can be hard when just getting into the groove, but want to GET to the starting line. Plenty of time. Heal up.
