Friday, July 29, 2011

ALEC: The hill (Market Street)

Yesterday I decided to just run from my front door. I did a little bit of warm-up up Douglass Street (had been wanting to walk up it to see if there were stairs there leading up to Corona Heights). Then I started my run up Market Street. I wanted to see if I could get to the top of Market Street. It's a pretty steep hill (440 foot climb). This run was more about endurance than pace. After 20 minutes, I was at the top and it felt good to know that I could make it there. The majority of the run was actually "running". I would only walk when I needed to catch my breath and the walk intervals were usually only about 2 minutes before I felt ready to keep taking on the hill. I also saw some of the cutest streets, stairs and thorough fares that I had never seen before. It's amazing what you find when you walk/run around the neighborhood. Overall, happy with my run.


  1. Awesome, Alec! How's the leg doing?

  2. The strain seems to be doing okay. Now, like you, it seems to be my shins. I think it might be from running down a steep incline from the other day. Running downhill definitely works some different muscles than running on a flat incline or uphill.
