Friday, July 15, 2011

ALEC: Restarting Training - "Day 1"

So, I haven't posted anything recently because I have not really had anything to say. Been resting my right ankle/calve and I think it's finally better. I did a really lite training this past Wednesday but didn't write about it because it was so far below what I had been doing. I started on the rowing machine to get my heart rate going and then hit the weights, alternating elliptical work between weight sets. At the end of my weight training I headed upstairs to the treadmills. As I reached the last step of the stairs and saw the treadmills all lined up I had a feeling of fear quickly past through me...what if I injure myself again and never make it to the HMB Marathon. But I just kept moving towards the machines. I stretched for a few minutes and then turned that sucker on. First walking for two minutes and paying extra attention to my body, trying to figure out if there is something I'm doing (or not doing) that injured my ankle/calve. At minute three I started a 4.0 mph jog and jogged for one minute. Then back to walking for one minute. Continued these interval changes for the next 10 minutes and ended the last run interval at 5.5 mph. At the last interval I started to feel a little strain on my ankle/calve, so I think I am becoming more aware of when something is going on with my legs. It has been frustrating as hell to not be running, especially when I see runners all around me (I think I notice them more now then I ever did before). Today I will hit the gym and try to see if I can get back to where I was at Day 1 back in June. If all feels good I will recalculate my training app and get back on the road/tread.

I found the quote below on the RunKeeper blog. Love it! Much love to all of you and "keep moving".


"We run because when we don’t we miss it. We love it, dread it, want it and got to have it. Some days are better than others, but when really good day is upon us, we soar. We fly like a [tiny] bird. We run when we hurt. We run when it’s cold. We run when it’s hot. We run….well…because we run." - John Paul Jones


  1. Alec! SO excited that you are pushing through and staying positive. LOVE the quote. I run...bc I refuse to fail and clearly you do to! No shmucks here my friend!

  2. glad to hear it, LH. Keep paying attention and don't overdue it. I know how you can be sometimes! HAHA
    love you

  3. Thanks for all the positive support. Love you guys. Will post about today's run shortly.
