Saturday, July 2, 2011

ALEC: Day 7 - Angst

Today is my longest training day, thus far. One hour. My legs are feeling stiff and sore. I was feeling angst (or anxt from the more modern dictionary) all day yesterday knowing that Saturday's are my longest training days and I wasn't sure if I could do it. I texted Angelina this morning to ask her for her advice as I'm not sure when to keep pushing or not because the last thing I want to do is injure myself and interrupt my training. Her advice was to give it a go and see how I feel. To take the time to warm-up and stretch. So, I will move forward today. I think I will run on the treadmill (even though it will be a beautiful 71 degrees in SF) so that I have a little more give as I pound the "mill". Will report back after the run.

Still need to get to the running store and get new shoes. I am wondering if that's why my legs are not doing so hot.


  1. Ah, the infamous "big" Saturday training days! SO glad that you went anyway to see how you feel. Run like you mean it. Like you want it. And get your ass to the store for some new shoes!

  2. I know, I know...LOL. Why do I keep myself in pain (if that is the reason my legs hurt) by not going to the store? Maybe I'm a self-masochist ;)

  3. Great run! For all my angst that I had yesterday and this morning, it was awesome to hear RunKeeper say "Final interval." - 12th.

    I warmed up for three minutes on an elliptical machine and then stretched for about 3 minutes. First interval my breathing was heavy and I didn't know how far I would get (4.5 mph). Right ankle was twinging a little, which was my main soreness this morning. But kept going. I felt held back doing 4.5 mph, so on second interval I upped it to 5.0 mph. By the third interval, I was in the "groove". Goal today was one hour and at least 4 miles and at the end of interval three I was already at 1.2 miles. I knew I would pass 4 miles if I kept going at 5.0 mph. At about interval 7 I didn't want to walk at the end of the running interval (3 minutes). I felt like I could/wanted to keep running because I was in the "groove". But knowing how I am and how I like to push myself and then injure myself, I decided I would be disciplined and keep myself on the plan as I still had 5 more intervals to go. On this training, I decided to listen to Wayne Dyer's interpretation of the Tao Te Ching (17th verse was my favorite). It seemed to make a difference as I was concentrating on what he was talking about more than how much time I still had left in each interval or the knowing that I had to complete 12 intervals. When RunKeeper said "Final Interval." I was feeling a little tired and my legs where definitely feeling it but I felt that I could push myself to 5.2 mph. Finished the run at 4.37 miles in one hour at an average pace of 4.37 mph. It was a great feeling to finish what I started. Wish I had another runner there with me to cheer with. I'm sure that will be an awesome feeling at the end of the 10K.

    Note: I switched back to my other pair of running shoes, which I think are better for me than the ones that I wore on my last training and couldn't finish all the intervals.

  4. DL: Alec, it sounds like you pushed passed some of your limits today, and went for it, and went all the way...GREAT JOB! I will be there cheeering you on now and then at end of 10K on 9/25. thanks for the fresh inspiration, pal!

  5. Alec-am sooo proud of you! We are all there, cheering for you in spirit. It's funny how sometimes you can totally zone out on treadmill while listening to something. Good job. Keep up the good work and spend the $$ on some shoes. It's a GREAT INVESTMENT!! :)
