Sunday, July 3, 2011

Kera: Excuses to the Curb

A couple nights ago, I simply couldn't sleep. At 2 am I found myself reading the posts from the HMB Runners Blog. I was upset that I didn't think I could make it out to CA for the run, but still felt a desire to do something. Angie has taught me so much about running. Most of it I learned by just watching her run, listening to her stories, or reading her post race posts. The one thing that she has taught me is that there is NO excuse to not run or be active. So at 2 am I looked for a local race on Sept 25. My very FIRST race, a 10K. I signed up...I made the commitment...and suddenly felt at peace. With 3 kids home for the summer and 105 degree temps in Dallas, I was thinking that I must be crazy. Oh, and I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Nevertheless, I still signed up and was determined to start training on Monday the 4th.

Yesterday, it hit me. Why was I waiting to start training? So many excuses...I am NOT a runner. I need new shorts. It is 105 out. I have 3 kids. I need to clean. I can start on Monday, but oh, Monday is a holiday... At 4:30 I got my shoes on and drove to the local rec center. I looked like a hot mess too! No make-up. Didn't match. DID NOT MATTER!

When I got to the front door and was discouraged by the 5pm closing sign, but I went in to get a membership anyway. I was like a kid waiting to get into an amusement park. They had to take my picture, and of course, I made a funny face. They insisted it was the best pic ever. Clearly they must need glasses!

When all was said and done, I had about 11 minutes till closing. I hopped on that treadmill and RAN. I may have been singing out loud too. (my sincere apologies to the guy in the room) With each step, I began to feel more determined. "I can do this." I really wanted to at least get a mile in, so I pushed as hard as I could until they turned off the lights.

Excuses ain't got nothin' on me. Running like I mean it. Like I want it.
.85 of a mile at an 11:04 pace and damn proud.
Training day one: complete
...Say hello to my new friend


  1. Ridiculously proud and excited for you. Welcome aboard!

  2. Right on!!! No excuses. Love your determination to get in whatever you could :) Run on!!!
