Tuesday, July 19, 2011

ALEC: Day 2 (restart)

Yesterday I headed to the gym. Excited that my ankle/calve seemed to still feel okay from my previous run day (first day back after strain), but still a little bit worried that it wouldn't remain feeling good. I did my new gym routine of rowing and alternating weights and elliptical, stretched and headed upstairs. I decided to see if I could run longer intervals without any pain in my legs/ankle/feet. First interval was a 2/3 (w/r) at 5.0 mph. Next 5 intervals I moved it up to 2/5 (w/r) at 5.0 mph. Shins were bothering me when I would be in the walking interval but seemed to be fine when I ran. Does anyone have any logic about why they would hurt when I walk but not when I run? Anyway, finished the 35 minutes feeling good and completed the training with a cool down and stretching. Legs seem to be doing good today too. Next training will be a 45 minute run.

And I just wanted to say to all of you...Angelina, Kera, DL, Mark...thank you for keeping me off my feet for the two weeks and telling me to take it easy and heal. It's so hard for me sometimes, cuz as some of you you know, I can be a little impatient about things..especially when it comes to myself. Love you guys.


  1. Sounds like you are back on track, Alec! AWESOME! Love ya back bud!

  2. once you get hooked, it IS hard to rest when injured or just REALLY need to give the body a break. proud of you for RESTING and HEALING. I'm sure your legs are looking pretty good now too, huh! :)
