Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ALEC: Back to it...

Got myself back to the gym yesterday after not having run or lifted for four days for various reasons. I have decided not to use my training app anymore and just let my body tell me how to run. The app was good for me to get started but the more I run, the more I am learning to listen to my body/spirit and let it be the "effortless" guide without trying to control or demand I do it this way or that way. I trained at Crunch in Daly City yesterday and their TM's are so different from the ones that I usually run on here in SF. The first TM that I ran on had this weird frame above the controls of the TM and I realized I was getting dizzy because the height of it was directly in my line of sight. I kept seeing it move up and down. So, I moved onto a different TM that didn't have anything in my line of sight and felt much better. I upped my speed to 5.5 mph on my run intervals to see if I could increase my pace. Much to my surprise, it felt good and easy to run at that level. My shins were giving me some pain that day so only ran for 30 minutes but felt good that I was able to increase my pace. Plan to run 45 minutes tomorrow at 5.5 mph and see how much distance I can cover. Also noted that when I focus on letting all of my "feets" touch the TM, I run much more relaxed. Meaning, concentrating on letting the heels hit first, roll through the middle of my feet and then pushing off with my toes. I was reading an article that talks about the amount of force one pushes off with increases your distance because of the amount of pressure that is exerted. Runners that use more force in the release of the stride run farther than others even though they are running the same pace. I'll try and find the article and post it to FB for those that are interested in the physics or running. Great job to all of us!!! Run on!!!


PS - Hopefully will be getting new shoes fairly soon. Kleenex is my friend :)


  1. So u are done with the run keep app? lol I totally agree with you on letting your body/spirit be the guide. I use the app simply to tell me how far I am going etc.
    Biofreeze has been my friend.
    Great job, Alec!

  2. yes...i agree...listen to your's all a learning process. Get the damn shoes! It's a great investment! :)

  3. Kera -, I use the RunKeeper app all the time. I had purchased another app that is geared for training someone to run a 1/2 marathon. But it just keeps doing 2/3 (w/r) and I've found that listening to my body is much better way for me to train.

    LW - Hopefully, will be getting new shoes next week :)
