Saturday, July 9, 2011

ALEC: Yet, another day of rest...

So, not much to report on since I am not currently training (or at least not in the sense of actually getting out there and running). My right leg/ankle is finally feeling better. The past two days I have not felt any twinging when I put weight on it and today I am able to move it left to right without feeling much of a strain. I saw a woman walking this morning and thought maybe I should go for a long walk to keep my training up. And then I realized that this is exactly what I do...I stop being patient and start going again and injure myself more. So, I will not go for a walk today and be disciplined in listening to my body (intuition as DL put is so well this morning). I applaud all of you that are out there training, moving, being active. We will all cross the finish line, one way or another. Love Angelina's latest post. It's about doing it, not what place you come in at. Love to you all, fellow runners/walkers/movers.

1 comment:

  1. (I posted here ealier and got an error. Sorry) So hard to be patient while healing. Hang in there, my friend!
