Tuesday, July 5, 2011

ALEC: Rest

So, after my longest run to date (Saturday), I woke up on Sunday with my right ankle/inner calve in major pain. Limped around all day. I guess that twinge I felt on Saturday morning before the run and what I was feeling towards the end of the intervals was more than just a twinge. Yesterday we had plans to have a whole bunch of people over for a 4th of July BBQ and when I woke up my ankle/calve were even worse. I was not in the mood to host a party because I knew I would be on my feet all day and wondered why I was putting myself through this "running" thing in the first place. But as I was reading all the updates on the blog this morning, I know exactly why I am doing this...because I can!!! Everyone's courageous actions in getting ourselves out there one more day and one more step gives me the inspiration to keep going. I spoke with Angelina after she had done her unplanned run and we were talking about what this "running" thing is teaching me. It's not just about learning how to run a long distance, it's about learning how to know when to push myself and when NOT to push myself. Angelina knows this part of me so well. When we were playing rhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifacquet ball way back when, I was flying across the court trying to make sure I hit every ball and ended up ripping my left hip flexor. Not fun, believe me. But it was that same type of personal action that probably got me to why my ankle/calve is where it is today. I need to slow down and listen to my body and mind. I will rest my legs/feet until they feel better, even if it means missing some training days. And when I get back to running, I will take it slow and not push myself past the plan until I know that I am fully healed. I will not let this discourage me and will be at the starting line on September 25th. My lesson..."quit trying to show off"...LOL (j/k). Until my next run...

DL - I've posted the link to the 5K in San Mateo. Kris/Holly do you want to do it?


  1. yes, LH, don't go all crazy and get yourself injured! ice, stretch and rest the injured areas!

  2. This is really great to read because I think it is good listen to what our bodies are saying...SO FRIKKIN HARD!
