Monday, July 4, 2011

Been there...

I remember when I ran 2 miles as part of "training" during my years playing soccer. I played competitively until about age 20. I was living in Santa Rosa and would run from my little studio out and around the neighborhood. I ran through all the quaint streets surrounding the local high school and the Junior College. I was so proud of those 2 miles. So, believe me when I tell you that I understand how challenging it can be sometimes to even "think" of going further. I get it.
Even though I have been running road races for quite some time now, the marathon training is FAR FROM EASY. It's a daily commitment. If I am not running, I am thinking about the next run, planning for it. It's a challenge to get the weekday runs in when i am tired after work and have the choice between ridiculously hot/humid weather or more miles on treadmill. It's tough to get up early on weekends, thereby essentially not having any mornings of sleeping in. Wake up call during week isa bout 5:30am. Same on weekends now so i can beat the heat. And sometimes, I just flat out do not want to run. So, yes, I get it.

But then, the moment passes and I am inspired again. I am motivated again. To get out the door and put one foot in front of the other. To see what I've got on the given day. Today, was a scheduled rest day, but after meeting my friend at Piedmont Park after she completed her 1st 10k race, The Peachtree Road Race, i was all pumped up and jumping out of my skin. I was so happy for her and her accomplishment. So, I went to a park about 30 minutes away that I rarely go to anymore cause it is really not convenient to get to, especially during the week. It was about 84 degrees and 66% humidity at the time of 1030am. I ran for about 1 minute and stopped. Whoa, it is hot. Stopped. Reset watch. Started again. 3 miles and then 10 hill sprints. (2 sets of 5) It's hard to tell from the picture, but it's a steep lil "f*#cker!

I think I look kinda mad in the photo...but i wasn't. Just hot and determined! :)

Done with 19+ miles over last 3 days. Tomorrow is rest day.

So, remember. When it gets tough for whatever reason, just put the shoes on. Just go one more block, one more 1/2 mile, one more song on the iPOD.

You can do it.


  1. what if i don't have an ipod? ;) lol
    hill sprints?? You ARE determined! Run on girl!!

  2. Damn!!! Now, I know I'm competitive and would like to show you up...but, honestly, hill sprints!!!! Love it and love you!!!
