Sunday, July 3, 2011

climbing back on the wagon

This all started a few months ago when I told my husband that I would start running if I had a treadmill. Really, I would! It's the only thing holding me back from running! Then the treadmill appeared. uh oh. Now what?!

To back up a little bit....this really all started about 9 months ago (no this isn't a pregnancy story) when I attended Angie's post-birthday run celebration. The event was so inspiring - Angie's life story, the music, the love felt in the room - it was truly a great night of reflection and rejoice. On my way home that night, I had the windows down, music up and was feeling really inspired. Inspired to do what? Now that was the question. I had grand visions of changing the world, or at least changing my world. But suddenly, I was quickly jarred back to reality when I got pulled over for speeding....but that's another story.

So back to the treadmill. I had a pretty successful first month with my new toy. I was running while listening to audiobooks and I really loved the quiet time to myself. But then IT happened. I stopped. What is IT that makes one stop? I can come up with many reasons (others might call these excuses but let's not stick with reasons so I can feel better about it).

So here I am. 83 days away from my first 10k. I plan on running and walking, even crawling, if that will take me over the finish line. So I better get to it. The treadmill is staring at me and I better show it who's boss before it becomes a really expensive coat rack.

P.S. who had the brilliant idea to train during the summer? must be a real glutton for punishment. lol

Cheers from Cali!



  1. reading this makes me thrilled and delighted. one step at a mile at a time, kristine. can't wait to see u in HMB! keep movin'

  2. I love this. Welcome to our small but determined and powerful group!!! I'm with you. I don't care if I crawl across the finish line or how long it takes me. I just want to know that I challenged myself to do something new and finish it. And "we" will!!!
