Wednesday, July 20, 2011

reality check

DL: Well, today I ran on the treadmill to see for a fact how much distance I was covering in my minute calculations. I pushed it beyond my comfort zone of 25 minutes to 30 and ran 1.75 miles. While I feel better to know exactly the distance I was covering, I have a long way to go to cover 6.2 and do it well. Guys, keep sending inspiration so I don't hit a wall....I need encouragement!! Thanks and good day to each of you.


  1. DL: I'm trying to think what words to write and nothing is coming to mind except that for me, when I feel like I may hit a wall and don't know why I am doing this, I remember that a big part of the reason I do this is to follow through on my commitment to myself to finish out a new challenge. Hope that helps. Keep up the good work. You will cross that line with all of us. For me, it's not how fast I do it, it's that I "did it". Love to you and all you other "awesome" runners.

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  4. DL...I posted a comment then did the math and deleted. I stink at math, but U are almost 1/3 of the way there. CELEBRATE! What has helped me is to set small goals and celebrate. Even if it seems silly. Set it, own it, celebrate it! YOU CAN DO THIS! xo Kera

  5. Delaney- I see you! I see you at the finish of the 6.2 mile race! You will get there! Re-connect with your reason of why you got started! I KNOW you can do it, my friend!!!

  6. DL says: Thanks guys for all the encouragement. I'm off to run again on the treadmill for 40 minutes! xo
    Angie, in your vision am I running or walking?
